Coffee and Oatmeal stouts are frequently referred to as breakfast stouts. The addition of oatmeal to the grist doesnt really add any flavour, what it does bring to the beer is a lovely thick, creamy, mouth feel. I’ve brewed with coffee a couple of times before also and tried different...

Rails with Bootstrap is a combo I’ve found myself using for quite some time now due to how easy it is to get an application up and running quickly. Historically, pre Rails 6, most would typically use a gem to add bootstrap to their application. With the move to Rails...

Pulled pork is one of those things that’s nearly impossible to mess up. The great thing about pulled pork also is you can do so many things with it, so when I tend to make it, I make a big batch and end up eating it for days in various...

For those who have never heard of Jekyll, Jekyll is a simple static website development framework build in Ruby. It uses a bunch of existing tools and bundles them together to make it easier to create a static website, perfect for blogs or static company websites. It predominately uses markdown...

I’ve been meaning to do a blog for a while, and I finally go the time to focus on it (thank you COVID-19). I’m hoping to post mostly technical/full stack development stuff but also include other interests like home brewing, beer, food, travel, DIY and anything really that I want...